Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Update From Eagle Rock

This week we are learning about "Relationships" First with God, then with others. They started talking about having a correct view of yourself being important in any relationship, which I totally agree with. I was having a heart to heart with Hannah, and out of no where the Holy Spirit said through me: "If you believe that God is God and that He is without a shadow of a doubt WHO He says He is, then you have to believe that YOU ARE WHO HE SAYS YOU ARE. Which is holy and dearly beloved. If you think anything else about yourself, you are calling God a liar or telling Him that He messed up which would rob him from being God." We just looked at each other and were like...that was profound. Which is why I knew it was NOT from me. I dont even know where it came from....well yes I do..the Holy Spirit. But how true huh? Also this morning, during the talk about the relationship with God, our speaker quoted 'The Shack' to which my response was a mild freak out! My favorite quote from that book...or at least top 5:

"The problem is that many people try to grasp some sense of who I am by taking the best version of themselves, projecting that to the nth degree, factoring in all the goodness they can perceive, which often isn’t much, and then call that God. And while it may seem like a noble effort, it falls pitifully short of who I really am. I’m not merely the best version of you that you can think of. I am far more than that, above and beyond all that you can ask or think."

Note to self: stop putting God in a box. He is bigger and better than anything I could ever ask or imagine. Let Him wow me.

The first question our speaker asked us this week was: "What is something that you REALLY want?" My answer immediately popped out of my mouth before he asked us to vocalize it, but I just blurted out "I want a life of adventure, where Christ can use me however He wants and I won't ever get bored." My team laughed, knowing me and the absolute honesty behind that statement, but that really is what I want. I also said that I would like someone to do it with me. Maybe a husband, or just a friend. He told me God was already doing it with me. That's legit. I realized that I really do feel like I am getting adventure here, and I am rarely bored. God is so sovereign in placing me here, and He seems near. Its so good for my soul.

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